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An angel gets its wings

Justin, of Elephant Rants, was wanting an AR15 and emailed me about it. Told him (like I’ll tell any of you local folks) that if he wanted to save a few bucks, he could buy a kit and receiver then I’d put it together for him. So, met him at the gun show (and apparently just missed Les, who is sporting an SKS from the same show) where he bought a J&T Light Weight Flattop kit and a Stag lower receiver. So, here it is before we got to work:


And here it is after:


Justin has already emailed me about accessories and notes that AR15s are addictive and he already wants a second one. Tell me about it:

boo, barry

Justin has more and a pic. And he’s talking all fancy with his gun talk.

5 Responses to “An angel gets its wings”

  1. robert Says:

    Somewhere, close is a bunch of guys shooting an NRA Highpower rifle match. Maybe you ought to learn to SHOOT those things…..

    Nice work. I think the AR ought to be voted the Homeland Security Family Arm.

  2. Chris Says:

    I have a spare Colt SP-1 (which looked like a good idea to buy a few years ago before the AWB expired) that I may get the boys at Predator to convert to 9mm.

    What do you think.

    I have shot one (albeit a full auto M-16 suppressed version) and liked it a lot. The AR – 15 frame makes shooting a 9mm round feel like shooting a 22.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    THe guys at predator run a good shop. I buy lowers through them, typically. I build and customize my own so i don’t buy much else from them.

    As for converting it to 9mm, good thing to do so you can shoot at indoor ranges. You can buy a 9mm kit (upper receiver and mag block) from J&T and keep your old upper and switch back and forth between the two.

  4. Chris Says:


    I forgot about being able to shoot at Coal Creek Armory with the 9mm version.

    That is important, because ORSA doesn’t have a very good set-up for “free” centerfire rifle shooting.

  5. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I really, really want an Oly K-10 (that’d be a 10mm AR, for those unfamiliar with Olympic Arms). I just don’t have the $600 for the upper. But I will, oh yes, I will.

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