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Quick, somebody tell Knoxville

Via Glenn, some courts and legislatures are taking on traffic cameras:

Red light camera programs in at least 19 cities across the country are likely to be shut down this year following actions taken by courts and legislatures in the past two weeks.

State legislatures threaten programs in Virginia, where 7 cities use the technology; Texas, where one city uses stoplight cameras; and Utah, where there are no cameras, but a strong push to install them. The courts threaten the programs in eleven North Carolina cities and could prompt significant refunds for ticketed drivers in California, where 39 cities use the technology.

The article notes that the cameras increase overall injury accidents, which I’ve noted before.

Knoxville has been pushing for these.

One Response to “Quick, somebody tell Knoxville”

  1. SayUncle » Blog Archive » Here comes the scam Says:

    […] Legislatures and courts keep scrapping the cameras and that the cameras correlate with an increase in traffic injuries. Also, the company that makes the cameras may be motivated to make a little extra money my monkeying with the settings. And they are not 100% accurate. […]

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