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More on license plates

Tennessee is looking at getting more politically oriented license plates:

Tennesseans are not done fighting culture wars on their back bumpers.

Even after a federal court struck down an anti-abortion license plate last year, there are new proposals this session at the state Capitol to create plates for God and gun-owners.

Some Democrats have proposed a “One Nation Under God” plate that “embodies both the rich and diverse religious heritage and the democratic form of government of this state and nation,” according to the bill.

On the other side of the aisle, Republicans want a license plate for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a religious group that has chapters in high schools and colleges.

Another bill would let members of the National Rifle Association buy a special plate, with proceeds going to hunter and gun safety programs run by the state. The design of the license plate would be worked out in “consultation with the executive director of the National Rifle Association,” the bill reads.

Also from the article, I learned that Tennessee actually has an official state amphibian.

3 Responses to “More on license plates”

  1. robert Says:

    In Texas we have this. There is a TSRA (Texas State Rifle Association) liscense plate.

    In Texas, where we live free, it only takes two liscense plates, a car registration sticker, a car inspection sticker, a drivers license and insurance papers to legally drive down the road. Six different items. To have a firearm with you you better have a CCL, which must always be presented WITH a drivers lisense, in an auto or not.

    Of course, thats just in Texas, where, as I say, we live free.

  2. robert Says:

    The Tennessee state amphibian is Tennessee Ernie Ford?

  3. hellbent Says:

    We could have had a cooter or a hellbender or spring peepers, and we chose a cave salamander? That doesn’t seem likely.

    I don’t see why we shouldn’t provide a million ways for people to spend extra on license plates. If there is this much demand for vanity plates, maybe it’s time to up the price.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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