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Today’s idiot

Junaid M. Afeef of the Institute for Social Policy Understanding. Some random snippets:

In the Fight Against Terrorism, Some Rights Must Be Repealed

Then the terrorists win.

The idea of public gun ownership simply does not make sense anymore.

Then try to take mine.

Today, only a handful of citizens outside of neo-nazi and white supremacist goups (sic) view gun ownership as a means of keeping the government in check. Even those citizens who continue to maintain such antiquated views must face the reality that the United States’ armed forces are too large and too powerful for the citizenry to make much difference. Quite frankly, the idea of the citizenry rising up against the U.S. government with their handguns and assault rifles, and facing the military with these personal arms is absurd. The Branch Davidian tragedy at Waco, Texas, was one such futile attempt.

No, Waco was an assault by the government on a compound, not an attempt to overthrow the government. Additionally, citizens armed with handguns and assault rifles (assault rifles are now highly regulated by the way), would do better than citizens who were armed with sticks and rocks.

The more important consideration is public safety. It is no longer safe for the public to carry guns.

Then why has the recent decrease in crime coincided with the increase in the number of states that allow citizens to carry guns?

The idea of curtailing rights in the name of homeland security does not seem implausible given the current state of civil liberties in the United States. The war on terror has already taken an enormous toll on the First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments, and thus far, very few Americans have objected. In light of this precedence, it seems reasonable that scaling back or even repealing the right to bear arms would be an easy task.

I wouldn’t call the toll enormous but I still don’t like it. And I won’t like an assault on my second amendment rights either.

So long as guns remain available to the general public, there will always be the threat of terrorists walking into a crowded restaurant, a busy coffee shop or a packed movie theater and opening fire upon unsuspecting civilians.

The Second Amendment is not worth such risks.

This person seems awful scared. I wonder if this guy hides under his bed covers at night, afraid that a bogeyman or Bin Laden is going to pop out of the closet? And if the bogeyman did pop out, wouldn’t you rather shoot him?

You can go to the link above and email this moron.

Heartless Libertarian has more.

2 Responses to “Today’s idiot”

  1. dkm Says:

    Today, only a handful of citizens outside of neo-nazi and white supremacist goups (sic) view gun ownership as a means of keeping the government in check. Even those citizens who continue to maintain such antiquated views must face the reality that the United States’ armed forces are too large and too powerful for the citizenry to make much difference. Quite frankly, the idea of the citizenry rising up against the U.S. government with their handguns and assault rifles, and facing the military with these personal arms is absurd. The Branch Davidian tragedy at Waco, Texas, was one such futile attempt.

    You did an admirable job of tearing this apart, but missed one point. It may be a bit of a dirty little secret, but the men and women of the military are not numb, mindless robots that are to dedicated to “government”. They are also citizens, many with a much better grasp on history and context of governmental controls, and speaking from personal experience (Army-ETS’d) as well as many philosophical discussions with my younger brother (Army-Currently Enlisted) and Uncle (Navy-Current Commission), there are many members of the military that would not take part in squashing a citizen uprising if the conditions were right. Many would join it.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I would hope that military men would not do such things and expect most wouldn’t. However, some would, which is scary.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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