Help a Tennessean out
A Tennessee regular over at needs help:
I’m in the Army and will soon be PCSing to New York. Does anyone have a pre-ban lower they could sell me or trade for an unfired Bushy lower? Looking for a FTF. I live in Greenbrier but work in Nashville.
New York passed it’s own version of the AWB and pre-ban receivers are a hot item as they are exempted from the state Assault Weapons Ban. In fact, there’s a movement over at to send pre-ban lowers up to help our oppressed BRD sufferers up north. If you have an old receiver and want a new one, consider contacting him. Besides, wouldn’t you rather have a new one? It’s win-win.
March 12th, 2005 at 10:02 am
Wow…NY seems to be even worse than the PRK. PRK at least has an exception for military personel. They’re allowed to bring their EBRs in, but they must be registered, and they can’t be sold to PRK proles.
EBRs are allowed, but Yugo M59/66s aren’t.
March 14th, 2005 at 10:40 am
Oh…a word of warning. There’s a bill in the NY state legislature that would un-grandfateher pre-1994 “assault weapons” and make them all illegal, period. Illegal as in the state troopers come and take them away.