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Five Questions: Tom

Continuing the blog meme, Tom volunteered. CounterTop also volunteered, which means I need three more people to ask random questions to. If you want to be chosen, leave a comment. CounterTop‘s questions are coming later. Update: Jay committed as well, still need two more. Tom asked first, so here’s his:

Here’s his questions:

1 – Got a gun yet? If so, what? If no, why not and what are you considering?

2 – A while back, one of your co-bloggers tilted at windmills err defended CBS over the now completely substantiated memogate scandal. You were, for the most part, silent on the issue. What do you think now and what did you think then?

3 – What do you call those little things on the ends of shoelaces?

4 – You claimed to vote straight-line Republican up until 2000 (if I recall), what event changed that trend?

5 – Kevin T. Keith: Real or made up?

9 Responses to “Five Questions: Tom”

  1. Lean Left » The “5 Questions” Meme Says:

    […] 212; tgirsch

    Xrlq started it (to my knowledge), and Uncle continued it, and now I guess it’s my turn. Here’s the “meme”: y […]

  2. Jay G Says:

    What the hell, I’ll play… Do I need to ask questions, or do I get asked?

    (Forgive me, I haven’t had my coffee yet…)

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I ask you five and then you have to ask five people five questions. Or so I hear.

  4. ben Says:

    I’m game, I could use the traffic. I doubt I’ll get five takers at my end, so maybe I’ll just make them up. In fact, I garantee it.

  5. Jay G Says:

    Hell yeah, I’ll give it a shot…

  6. tgirsch Says:

    1. Well, my wife does (a Browning .22), but I don’t yet, because I’m not supposed to buy it until April 15th (remember?)
    2. Wow, that’s a long one. For one, I think it was a huge boost for the Bush campaign, because the probably-forged document concerning gaps in Bush’s service record, diverted attention away from the actual gaps in Bush’s service record. (For what it’s worth, that whole thing got blown out of proportion because it’s not really a question of whether Bush blew off his Guard duty… the truth is nobody who supports Bush cares that he blew off his Guard duty.) I also think Kevin was misunderstood a bit on the issue. He turned out to be wrong about the authenticity of the memos (and essentially admitted as much), but I still think he was right that bloggers were not as crucial to the breaking of the story as the bloggers themselves claimed to be. Recall that virtually every one of the technical reasons the bloggers gave as to why the documents “must” be forged turned out to be false. In effect, the bloggers had the right gut instinct about the documents’ authenticity but did not back those insticts up with anything substantive — that still fell to the MSM.
    3. A pain in the ass.
    4. Actually, straight Republican until 1998, Dem president / Libertarian everything else in 2000, essentially straight Democratic since. No single event changed this, but a series of realizations: First, that it’s virtually impossible to be pro-choice and vote Republican with a clear conscience; second, that it’s virtually impossible to be pro-environment and vote Republican with a clear conscience; third, that the biggest thing that attracted me to the GOP — fiscal responsibility — was, in fact, not one of the party’s virtues; and last, that the Libertarian Party is certifiably insane.
    5. Real, believe it or not. (The original) Kevin has actually even met him in person.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Hey, you’re supposed to post that at your site.

  8. tgirsch Says:

    I’ll do it tonight.

  9. countertop Says:

    Still waiting. . . . .

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