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They have to lie

To further their agenda, anti-gunners often mislead, misrepresent or outright lie. The Brady Campaign did it again:

“I can’t imagine what’s going to happen to 100,000 AK-47s…I can’t understand why Venezuela needs 100,000 AK-47s. I personally hope it doesn’t happen. I can’t imagine, if it did happen, it would be good for the hemisphere.” — Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

The Bush Administration very deliberately allowed the Federal assault weapons ban to expire last fall. Since the ban expired, it is quite likely that there are more than 100,000 new assault weapons like AK-47s in the United States.

Here is the lie. The AK-47s that Venezuela is getting are AK-47s. The AK-47s that the Brady’s are referring to in the US are just guns that look like AK-47s.

I can’t imagine lying for a living.

5 Responses to “They have to lie”

  1. SayUncle : See, he bought it Says:

    […] Previous Post | Main |

    See, he bought it
    |By SayUncle|

    In this post highlighting how the comparison to machine guns and their semi-automatic […]

  2. Barry Says:

    And this is a big deal to anyone but you? It’s verbal shorthand, that’s all…

  3. SayUncle Says:

    The lying works, you bought it. An actual AK-47 is a machine gun capable of firing 600 or so rounds per minute. The brady’s refer to guns that fire one shot per one pull of the trigger, just like most hunting rifles.

    And to make sure i’m clear, lying is OK with you as long as it’s something you don’t care about?

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Verbal shorthand for “I’m lying,” or for something else? The clear implication of the two paragraphs is that the 100,000 AK-47s ordered by Venezuela are the same as, or at least similar to, any of 100,000 AK-47s or other weapons that were recently legalized as a result of the expiration of the “assault” weapons ban. Without that assumption, the comparison makes no sense. [Not that an apples-to-apples comparison would make all that much sense in this context, either. Even if we were talking about the same weapons, 100,000 in the hands of a dictator’s goon squad will go a lot farther in a country of 25 million people than 100,000 privately owned ones would in a country of 300 million.]

    If you really think an AK-47 is an AK-47 is an AK-47, what say we arrange a trade between the Venezuelan army and 100,000 Americans who own semi-automatic AK-47 “assault” weapons, thereby increasing the security of both continents.

  5. Jay Says:

    Here is an e-mail which I received from Sarah Brady on Jan 13 (I signed up for their e-mail list for free).

    Pay special attention to their sample letters:

    Dear Jay,

    Since last week, we have had great success with our eRaiser Inauguration Campaign. We only have one week left to gather hundreds more messages to send to the President!

    We have more than 100 people sending the word around, collecting messages, and raising money. We have already exceeded our financial goal of $5,000. Help us reach our new goal of $15,000 — we are already 37% of the way there!

    Here are a couple of messages people have written to the President:

    President Bush — In your second term please support sensible gun control measures like background checks and restrictions on ownerships of assault weapons and machine guns, which have no legitimate uses by civilians.

    President Bush — It’s time for you to live up to your promise to support the ban on automatic weapons. The only legitimate use of automatic weapons is in the Armed Forces. Thank You.

    Join in the fun! Sign up for a page, send out an email, and let your friends and family see how important this issue is to you.

    We’ve made it very easy for you and your friends to send the President a clear message and support our efforts to create an American free from gun violence. Together we are the rational voice for a safer America.

    President Bush needs to hear from all of us on Inauguration Day — demand a safe America!

    Thank you for your support and keep up the good work!

    Warm Regards,

    Sarah Brady
    Chair, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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