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Kinda funny

An $80M federal program to give people free gun locks isn’t working out as planned. It seems farmers are using their free gun locks to lock their gates. I want my money back.

I, personally, have about 10 or so gun locks laying around the house collecting dust. It seems everyone gives you one with the purchase of a new gun these days. I don’t use them. Maybe I could donate them to some farmers.

Via Deb.

6 Responses to “Kinda funny”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    Our Sheriff’s office was giving them away at the local Babies R Us a while back.

  2. Bruce Says:

    What? You mean throwing taxpayers’ dollars at a “problem” didn’t “fix” it?

    I’m shocked.

  3. cube Says:

    Wow that is good to know.

    The locks seem of good quality.

  4. Robert Douglas Says:

    I use my cable gun lock to lock my utility trailer to the tow vehicle. Still haven’t figured out an application for the trigger lock.

  5. markm Says:

    Notice where the lawman says, “but you’ve got to protect your kids from the gun.” I guess he thinks that unless locked up, the gun is likely to go hunting for brats on its own.

  6. jr Says:

    I bought a Glock at the gun show from a dealer a couple of years ago, and told him he could keep the lock. He was excited, because he was going to decorate his Christmas tree with the pretty red locks.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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