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RTB Updates

Bubba welcomes a bunch of blogs into the fold of the Rocky Top Brigade:

Todd, who has a couple of blogs.

Blogging for Bryant, which covers the TN 2006 Senate race and who I have mentioned before.

The Chattanooga-Hamilton Civic forum.

Chris Woodhull, who I’ve mentioned before, is a blogging Knoxville City Councilman.

Communists for TennCare, who I have also mentioned before, is just too damn funny. Though the original communist shtick can be found here.

Poop Happens, by Poopie.

Tennessee Guerilla Women, kinda moonbatty but without all the crazy. And Rs.

Whoa Mama! for your mental health needs.

Will work for doughnuts. He will work hard because most people would take the easy way and spell it donuts.

Welcome aboard all.

Comments are closed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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