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Self correction of blogs

In this post, I pointed out how a report had confused millimeters with caliber. I then (from memory, TLTG) figured up a quick caliber conversion. I was wrong. Reader Andrew commented

As I have no doubt you are aware, the .38 special caliber shoots 0.357″ bullets, which equates to 9.0678mm (exactly – the inch has actually been defined as exactly 2.54cm. Interestingly the meter has been defined as the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 seconds. The second has been defined as the time it takes for 9,162,631,770 vibration cycles in the radiation emmited (sic) by cessium (sic)-133). Near enough to just call it 9mm. Now, if the .38 special actually fired 0.380″ bullets, it would be 9.652mm.

I am nothing, if not self-correcting.

2 Responses to “Self correction of blogs”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    For some reason, I’m thinking the .38 refers to the diameter of the bore plus the depth of the rifling, but maybe that’s just my imagination.

  2. The Comedian Says:

    I think for artillery caliber is equal to the barrel length in units of bore, but that might be archaic.

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