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Guilty until proven innocent

Bills are moving through Congress to ban the sales of firearms to people who are on terror watchlists. On the issue:

The National Shooting and Sports Foundation (NSSF) says the recent revelations that the secret government lists include senators and congressman, as well as the foundation’s own senior vice president and general council, are proof the lists are not reliable.

It’s a secret government list and we don’t know who gets on or why, said Gary Mehalik, communications director for the NSSF, a trade association for the firearms industry. It’s an excuse for gun control.

If someone is suspected of terrorism, which is a crime, they should be arrested and not be roaming around free, Mr. Mehalik said.

Also, this is amusing:

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat; Rep. John Lewis, Georgia Democrat; and Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican and chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, say they have been stopped at airports because their names are on the no-fly list.

Don’t they have armed guards? And AG Gonzales is backing the bill.

3 Responses to “Guilty until proven innocent”

  1. FreedomSight Says:

    […] ks, in advance.
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005

    Presumption of Guilt Bill Advances

    SayUncle mentions this Washington Times article which says that bills […]

  2. Manish Says:

    Bills are moving through Congress to ban the … terror watchlists.

    fantastic idea!

  3. cp Says:

    > Kennedy

    No big deal, it’s just a database mixup at DOJ–Kennedy’s supposed to be on the NO DRIVE list.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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