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An award

A while back, I mentioned a child who found a security guard’s gun in the bathroom and how proper gun safety likely saved him. The Knox County Sheriff’s office gave him a special safety certificate:

Billy says he knew not to touch the gun because he had participated in a gun safety program at his school.

“I saw the gun and I didn’t want to touch it so I told my dad,” he said.

Katy Davis says this is just the outcome her office hopes for when students receive safety training at school.

“It’s very rewarding to know that teaching safety lessons can save a kid’s life.”

The “Eddie Eagle” gun safety program, sponsored by the National Rifle Association, is designed to teach children the risks of touching an unattended gun.

The NRA saving children.

6 Responses to “An award”

  1. Jay G Says:

    What an excellent story.

    Of course, here in MA, the kid most likely would have been expelled for violating the zero tolerance policy on weapons…

  2. Blake Says:

    …saving children from reckless police officers.

  3. ben Says:

    take that, Brady Asshats!

  4. Jay G Says:

    …saving children from reckless police officers.

    Who, according to the (aptly named) Brady AssHats, are the only people that “need” guns. Or are the only ones qualified to own guns. Etc. Lather, rinse, repeat…

  5. Kevin T. Keith Says:

    If you have to hand out a special honor certificate and send out a press release every time a child isn’t killed by a gun, “take that, Brady Asshats!” loses some of its otherwise distinguished resonance.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    I saw no press release nor did I see the NRA even mention it. The local press did a story on it. Every day, millions of kids are not killed by guns. What’s of note in this case is that the child found the gun and acted appropriately.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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