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Even when they speak out, they’re still wrong

Laura Washington wrote a piece a while back that just reeked of hysteria an misinformation. Some snippets:

Political leaders nourish culture of deadly gun violence

No, they don’t.

We have become inured to “a culture of death.” That’s what the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence calls it.

Using the Brady Bunch as a reference?

Last September, Congress and Bush allowed the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons to expire. The law kept AK-47s and other semiautomatic assault weapons off the streets and out of the hands of the gang-bangers and drug dealers who trade in them.

I promise you that the AWB kept nothing off the streets. People predisposed to break laws will keep doing so.

Unless we get serious about gun control, the killing will continue. There is a gun around every corner. One of them could have your name, or the name of your child, on it. Live — and die — with that.

Serious like Australia, England or Canada? All three of which, after sweeping gun control, saw their violent crime rise?

Anyhoo, Laura wrote a column this week wherein she reprinted a bunch of letters from people about her hysterical column. She got over 100 pro-gun letters and exactly four gun control letters. She concludes with:

The gun control lobby needs to get on the stick. Now.

I don’t think she understands what the issue really is.

Update: Yeah, you damn spelling gurus.

4 Responses to “Even when they speak out, they’re still wrong”

  1. Jay G Says:

    I really hate to pick nits (not that I’ve ever let it stop me before), but:

    just wreaked of hysteria

    That would be reekl child in a china shop can wreak havoc. A lonely heart may reek of desperation at closing time.

    This free lesson brought to you by Mr. Pain-in-the-Ass Language Person…

  2. Jay G Says:

    Oops. Mr. Pain-in-the-ass Language Person does not know which HTML tags are allowed…

    It was supposed to read “…reek. A small…”

  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Don’t forget to add South Africa to your list of countries with recently enacted severe gun restrictions and skyrocketing violent crime rates…

  4. triticale Says:

    Where I come from, “on the stick” used to mean taking one’s drugs with the aid of a hypodermic.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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