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Beware malicious blogs

The BBC:

Cyber criminals are starting to use fake blogs to snare new victims.

The bogus web journals are being used as traps that infect visitor’s machines with keylogging software or viruses.

Filtering firm Websense said it had found hundreds of bogus blogs baited with all kinds of malicious software to snare the unwary.

Websense warned that the baited blogs could get past traditional security measures that try to protect people from malicious programs

2 Responses to “Beware malicious blogs”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    It sounds like monkeyfishing to me.

  2. triticale Says:

    I just spent a week undoing the damage to my recent Win2K “upgrade” which I believe was inflicted entirely by one site which I went to check out because it showed up in my Sitemeter referral log. The “upgrade” had disabled Firefox, and I went online briefly with IE to research that issue and do a general update. Clicked the one link and the stuff just started pouring in.

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