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Damn spammers

Time it took from me reinstituting trackbacks to the first piece of trackback spam: 30 minutes.

Trackback is turned off, again.

5 Responses to “Damn spammers”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    WordPress must really suck. My MT Blacklist keeps most if not all trackback and comment spam at bay. Of course, renaming my trackback and comment CGI files helps too.

    I did turn off the referrer logs though. They were so full of spam links they were all but useless.

    I would support the death penalty for spammers.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Actually, they never make it to the blog. The spam goes into a queue that you have to delete and you can delete it all at once. It’s just a pain because the spam trackback barrage slow the site down.

  3. Phelps Says:

    MT-Blacklist wasn’t cutting it for me, so I installed a script to close all trackbacks more than a week old. I haven’t seen any TB spam since then, so you might want to try that. It may bring the load down to a managable level.

  4. Chris Wage Says:

    There is a wordpress plugin I am using to great success to eliminate both trackback and comment spam:

    It’s not perfect, but it gets most of the spam I get, and I get a shitload. It blocked over 500 on Apr 5th, and that’s just what made it past my blacklist checks in apache. Good times.

  5. Ravenwood Says:


    I’m gonna look for that TB tool. It sounds a lot like MT-close, which I used to use before MT added comment moderation.

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