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Because it wasn’t bad enough before

Alphie reports that The War on Civil Liberties err Drugs is becoming the War on Weed:

The number of arrests for marijuana climbed over a ten year period until they account for almost half of all drug arrests according to the Sentencing Project, a left-wing think tank.

The study found that the proportion of heroin and cocaine cases plummeted from 55 percent of all drug arrests in 1992 to less than 30 percent 10 years later, while marijuana arrests rose from 28 percent of the total to 45 percent. There has been little impact on our prison population (only 6% of the arrests resulted in felony convictions) and household surveys show that there has been little change in consumption by the general population.

We spend billions and billions of dollars to stop an infinitesimally small of the drug flow in this country. If over half of that is just weed, then we’re definitely not getting our money’s worth.

One Response to “Because it wasn’t bad enough before”

  1. Blounttruth Says:

    With a best friend who is X DEA I have had heart to hearts with him about this very situation. He states that the local law enforcement will get word, fly over with a chopper, or have an informant nark an individual out. The local law enforcement contacts agencies in the government and states that they are going to make a huge drug bust on Mr. X and it will cost approximately $1,000,000.00 for the operation. The powers that be gleefully send the local law enforcement department the funds to conduct the raid and they arrest Mr. X. All in all the raids cost 40-50K at most and the judges, sheriff, and other symbols of truth and justice pocket the remainder. It is too easy to catch the pot dealer and if they were arresting the heavy drug distributors it would take too many man hours for investigations, stake outs, etc. and eat into their pocket fund.

    (Above is perhaps off in figures but you get the point)

    At least someone is getting something out of this, as the American people are getting jipped while the feds are talking about drug convictions(they mean marijuana) and make no mistake no one is killing anyone over weed.

    Just a bit of food for thought:

    And there are those who want tougher policies on drugs, sound crazy? Just think of the anti-gun nuts, just proves that there’s a fool for every topic.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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