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Didn’t take long

The Supreme Court ruled that a foreign conviction does not bar a person from buying a gun. TriggerFinger reports that McCarthy has introduced legislation to bar foreign felons from buying guns. McCarthy, like most gun banners, wants to pass any gun law regardless of its merits. This is one of those cases.

5 Responses to “Didn’t take long”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    I wonder what McCarthy’s position on felon voting is. I’m willing to bet it’s 180-degrees out of phase.

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    So, if you’re caught with a Bible in Saudi Arabia, you can’t buy a gun in the U.S.

    Actually, I don’t know that posession of Christian items is in itself a felony in Wahhabiland, but I know that prothelitizing is a pretty serious no-no over there. But I’m just trying to make the point of how ridiculous some foreign crimes can be.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    You don’t need to look overseas to find the occasional absurd felony. Get caught in California with horse meat intended for human consumption, and you can’t buy a gun anywhere in the U.S.

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Relax, the bill won’t change anything. Having already ruled that a non-U.S. court is not “any court,” how can it be “any foreign court,” either? Besides, “foreign” as a legal term typically means out of state, not out of country. For that the usual term is “alien.” So maybe all McCarthy’s law will do is clarify that a person convicted of a felony in Washington can’t buy a gun in Florida.

  5. Xrlq Says:

    BTW, nothing I post on the web is legal advice, but that last comment really, really isn’t legal advice.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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