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Dumbass quote of the day

Mike Brassfield:

Nothing would tip you off that, behind that unmarked door, local entrepreneur Mark Serbu and his crew are manufacturing powerful .50-caliber rifles, right on the edge of what’s legal.

Other things that are also right on the edge of what’s legal:

Driving 55 MPH in a 55 zone.
Behind the wheel with a BAC level less than drunk
Importing lobster tails that are 5.5 inches
Driving your car with tags that expire at the end of the month
Paying your income tax bill on April 15

7 Responses to “Dumbass quote of the day”

  1. robert Says:

    letter back to the editor:

    Subject: Nice scare piece by Brassfield

    Nice scare piece, (right on the edge of yellow journalism), by Mike Brassfield. Maybe next he will explore shops that repair and install high performance parts in cars, stores that sell trampolines, companies that install swimming pools deeper than one inch, or any number of REAL dangers to the populace.

    Maybe he could do a piece on the 100,000 yearly reported deaths caused by medical mistakes by hospitals and doctors. Certainly there would be a lot of that in your local area. (Hospitals and Doctors, operating right on the edge of….)

  2. countertop Says:

    Saw that, but I am disappointed you choose to criticize the article when instead you could have focused on what I think is the quote of the week.

    “Guns are like jewelry for men. Guns are to men what shoes are to women,” he said. “People say, what do you need that for? But it’s like Ted Nugent says: We don’t need Corvettes that go 150 mph. This is America, the land of excess.”

  3. cube Says:


    If he would have said guns are like shoes for men, i would have to agree.

    I have different shoes for different purpoeses, but no more than like 6 pairs (running, hiking, sandals, dress(one black one brown), and causal).

    The smalls list for guns you just have to have that i saw was 3.


  4. countertop Says:

    Fair enough cube. . . . . but I tend to buy guns for more than just utilitarian reasons, I buy em cause I like how they look, or how they feel in my hand, or how I imagine I could use them if I lived in a different age, or if I just want them, or if my brother has one and I don’t want him to have one and not me, etc etc etc.

    That, too me, is far more like women and jewlery than men and shoes (of which I have a brown pair, 2 black pairs – plain and wingtipped – a reddish and black pair, a pair of hiking boots, and 2 pairs of brown leisure shoes – Dr. Martin’s and Steve Madden’s – and 2 pairs of sneakers (1 at home and 1 at work)

  5. robert Says:

    When tasseled loafers are outlawed….only outlaws will have tasseled loafers.

  6. Ravenwood Says:

    I have 3 pair wingtips (2 black, 1 brown), a brown casual pair and a pair of sneakers.

    I’m sorry, was this about shoes?

  7. Pawpaw Says:

    Thanks for the link and the article. I linked to this article today when I blogged during a coffee break.

    Go see it at:

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