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Long story made short

Michelle Malkin writes on Why I’m not a ‘South Park Conservative. You can read the piece or take my word that the summarized version translates as No sense of humor.

This whole South Park Conservative meme is getting out of hand. The true significance of the SPC’s is that conservatives are no longer exclusively uptight, stodgy and afraid of fart jokes. The other significance of them is it continues to divide the right side of the political spectrum. Small government righties are not happy with the big government righties now in office. And now the righties with no sense of humor will square off with the righties who like the occasional dick joke.

And if Malkin really thinks Laura Bush’s jokes were on par with South Park, she needs to get out more.

2 Responses to “Long story made short”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    South Park did do a show about “milking” a male dog, albeit not a horse.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Heh. Forgot about that one. Of course, there’s a difference between Laura Bush saying ‘it was a male horse’ and watching an animated character service a dog.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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