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New Patriot Act

Looks like the renewal of the Patriot Act is kicking up. This time, it will contain more civil liberty crushing power:

But the measure being written by Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., would give the FBI new power to issue administrative subpoenas, which are not reviewed by a judge or grand jury, for quickly obtaining records, electronic data or other evidence in terrorism investigations, according to aides for the GOP majority on the committee who briefed reporters Wednesday.

2 Responses to “New Patriot Act”

  1. Manish Says:

    …in terrorism investigations…

    what are you worried about? They are only going to use these powers in investigating “terror”. The government would never abuse its power and use it for other things.

  2. Robert Says:

    Remember the debate about whether the “Patriot Act” was a legitimate and reasonable law enforcement tool to protect the Nation vs the folks who thought it was a long, dark, stride into a police state?
    Well. looks like we know now…

    Brought to us by: The Republicans!

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