Archive for May, 2005

May 03, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Maine, turn them in

TriggerFinger notes that Maine is not only looking to ban 50 calibers but confiscating them.

How Republican Are You?

My favorite number: 69%. Via the trainer. Guess that dispels part of those rumors that I only play a wingnut on the internets.

TSA Incompetence

I’ve been told that the TSA no longer releases the results of their studies where they test their own screeners. It’s probably a good thing to not scare us with their failures:

A scare at the Louisville International Airport ended with a woman being charged.

A security screener missed a handgun in a passenger’s fanny pack Saturday, WLKY NewsChannel 32 reported.

According to a police report, the air traveler brought it to the attention of authorities. On Saturday morning, Glenna Donohoo made it through the security checkpoint.

Before boarding her flight to Mexico, she notified authorities about the .25-caliber handgun in her fanny pack.

Donohoo was charged with carrying a concealed deadly weapon.

A gun, in a fanny pack made it through. Glad they arrested her for being honest.

Federal 50 Cal Regulation

Dianne ’38 in her purse’ Feinstein has proposed a bill that would require registering 50 caliber rifles under the NFA. This would, in essence, subject them to the same regulations as suppressors and machine guns. This quote shows just what sort of hysterical rhetoric they have to resort to:

“For instance, a sniper atop the Washington Monument (with a .50-caliber rifle) could target anybody or anything within a four-mile radius, including the White House, the Capitol, every building on or around the Mall, and aircraft flying in and out of Reagan National Airport,” Feinstein said in a statement.

Four mile radius? Tell you what, Dianne, I’ll make this bet with you. If you can hit a man-sized target at four miles with any Barrett rifle, I’ll shut my website down, contribute $100 annually to the Brady Campaign, and give up my AR15. What do you say?

Update: Ravenwood puts it into context.

Assault Weapons Ban in Maine

One has been submitted to committee:

A leading supporter of a proposed ban on assault weapons warned Monday that it was only a matter of time before someone is killed with one of the targeted guns.

But gun rights advocates told lawmakers that Sen. Ethan Strimling´s bill would chip away at their constitutional protections and serve no useful purpose.

Strimling, D-Portland, told the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee that his bill would fill a gap left by the expiration of a federal assault weapons ban last September after being in effect for a decade.

You mean that gap that led to absolutely no increase in crime nor blood in the streets? Any way, if you’re in Maine, you may want to get on the horn to your reps.

May 02, 2005

The Other BAG Purchase

Myself and another blogger (who will remain anonymous unless he tells me otherwise) will begin our WECSOG project of converting these lower receiver forgings into functional rifles. W00T!

Quote of the day

Laura Bush:

“George and I are complete opposites — I’m quiet, he’s talkative; I’m introverted, he’s extroverted; I can pronounce nuclear”

Ok, I support it now

I’ve never been particularly supportive on the gun makers liability protection bill. But I am now:

Lawyers representing a former Wichita boy who suffered brain damage in 1998 when another boy shot him said Wednesday that they had reached a landmark settlement with the gunmaker, Smith & Wesson.

“The settlement marks the first time a gun manufacturer has paid to settle a claim for failing to childproof a gun,” said a statement by Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, a public interest law firm based in Washington, D.C.

Smith & Wesson said in a statement that “there was no deficiency with this firearm.”

Then why the flying fuck did you settle? S&W sells out again. The situation:

Lawyers for the Ryan family contend that the shooting was an accident and would not have occurred if the Smith & Wesson Model 915 9 mm pistol had been designed differently [for example, if it shot nerf balls – ed.]. They said they couldn’t disclose the settlement amount.

According to the lawyers, Royce, then 8, was accidentally shot in the face on April 15, 1998, while playing with friends. The lawyers say that 15-year-old Jared McMunn took the semiautomatic pistol from his parents’ dresser. Thinking it was unloaded, he pulled the trigger, the lawyers said. The gun fired a round left in the chamber, hitting Royce below his left eye.

The gun functioned exactly as designed. There was no flaw and nothing S&W did caused this to happen. What caused this to happen the parents of Jared McMunn were grossly negligent. S&W should not have settled. They should have fought and responded with a counter suit.

Alphie has more.

Pretty lame

A man in Massachusetts was arrested for taking an interest in his son’s education:

The book, “Who’s in a Family?,” teaches preschoolers about “multicultural contemporary family units” including nuclear, intergenerational, mixed-race, and lesbian and gay arrangements. David Parker, father of a 5-year-old boy in Concord, Mass., was arrested Wednesday at his son’s kindergarten over a disagreement about the appropriateness of the material for his child.

His crime:

Parker said he met with school officials to gain those assurances and then refused to leave until he got them.

Dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. Sure, you may not agree with his objection but he was being a responsible parent.

Family Guy Blogging

The greatest animated show ever is back. I caught the Family Guy premiere. It was hysterical. I wonder what’s up with politicizing Brian? He was reading a Michael Moore book and had a Kucinich 04 sticker on his hybrid. Still, it was funny. Favorite Family Guy Quotes:

For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you


Yea, and God said to Abraham, “You will kill your son Isaac.” And Abraham said, “I can’t hear you, you’ll have to speak into the microphone.” And God said, “Oh, I’m sorry, is this better? Check check, check. Jerry, pull the high end out, I’m still getting some hiss back here.”

What media bias?

Los Angeles Times editors have edited a Reuters story to remove critical facts supporting the U.S. position on an important international issue.

Anti-gunners and taxes

David Hardy notes some questionable tax reporting from the Brady Campaign and the Million err 24 Mom March.

Number my ass

Gunner has the latest on the gun control scheme in California in which bullets will be stamped with numbers. This will never work.

Interesting to me

It’s been widely reported (and rightly so) that homicides in Philidelphia have been out of control. However, overall gun crime is down:

Under a federal program initiated last year, crimes committed with firearms have dropped significantly in one of the most violent sections of the city, authorities announced yesterday.

As a result, the program will be expanded to another section of West Philadelphia, with an eye toward other neighborhoods.

This federal program consists of extra manpower to enforce existing gun laws.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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