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Waiting period for Tasers

In Illinois, there is now a 24 hour waiting period for Tasers and other stun guns. And background checks.

Speaking of Tasers, Les wrote a while back:

People today are naming their sons Colt and Ruger to evoke toughness and an Old West sensibility. In a dozen years or two parents who want their kids to have a tough name that’s futuristic will name their sons Taser.

I tend to think not for the same reason no one names their kid Rape Whistle or Pepper Spray.

One Response to “Waiting period for Tasers”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    “Rape Whistle or Pepper Spray”

    Ha! When we play Halo 2 sometimes we set the initial weapon to “Random.” So sometimes you get something that kicks ass like the shotgun or rocket launcher. But sometimes you get something lame like the pistol. When that happens, we say “Damn. I got the rape whistle.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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