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Blockquote format not a hit

Seems most folks didn’t like it.

Is this better?

Update: anyone know why suddenly there’s a ton more space between a paragraph and blockquote? Update within the update: Nevermind.

Update: Still playing with it.

6 Responses to “Blockquote format not a hit”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    You should go with what YOU like, not what other people like. It is your site.

    On the subject of blockquotes, I prefer some highlighting.. (like the vertical line on the left side) to offset them. But the multicolored box was just a bit much. Especially since the colors contrasted so much (like white and off-white or light gray) it would have looked better.

  2. Chris Wage Says:

    What’s the objection to blockquote?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Some folks didn’t dig the busy color.

  4. Wesley Womack Says:

    I don’t really care for this one. I liked the one yesterday better except the border seemed a little strong. I liked the shaded background though.

  5. mike hollihan Says:

    Still not seeing any colors. Just the border. But the spacing all seems fine.

  6. Ravenwood Says:

    Actually, I think we’re all just trying to see how many times we can get you to change it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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