Cultural sensitivity
Apparently, the detainees at Gitmo don’t know anything about real Koran abuse.
Update: And no, SayUncle does not endorse desecrating various cultures’ holy books. I do, however, appreciate some good gun porn.
Update 2: In light of some comments received and this post at BH, I feel obligated to point out that I think it is insensitive (hence the title of the post). However, I’m no more offended by it than I am, say, an episode of South Park.
June 10th, 2005 at 9:48 am
Yikes. Too much bad karma for me.
June 10th, 2005 at 10:22 am
I’m with Ravenwood on this one. There is some baad juju in that!
June 10th, 2005 at 2:13 pm
Think of it as “performance art”…
June 10th, 2005 at 2:27 pm
I am still trying to work out an angle where i can make some cash by creating a qur’an rescure organization.
June 10th, 2005 at 3:03 pm
Humorous article on Quran sensitivity at Tech Central Station. Pretty funny stuff.