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Oh, that common sense gun control

Maryland, where crime is rising, will be the first state to implement the federal law that lets off-duty and retired cops carry guns. And then the gun control nuts show up:

Leah Barrett, executive director of the gun-control group CeaseFire Maryland Inc., said allowing officers to carry a gun anywhere at any time is “essentially dangerous.”

“We have too many guns in this country and too many people carrying them,” she said. “Accidents happen.”

This guy chick actually violated the gun control mantra that cops should have guns. I find that odd. Meanwhile, we need some pool control. Those things are everywhere.

2 Responses to “Oh, that common sense gun control”

  1. Yosemite Sam Says:

    Actually this is a good sign. If the GFW’s are taking up the mantra that even cops can’t have guns, then maybe all of these police associations will stop supporting every new gun control scheme that comes along.

  2. Kirk Says:

    Heh… Leah is a chick if you want to classify anti gunners as human…


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