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The Commissar is looking for RINOs but not the kind you’re thinking of. He writes:

For the past few weeks, I’ve been looking around for more secular conservative, or moderate blogs. RINO’s, if you will. Are RINO’s an endangered species? How can Conservative bloggers who might not want to drink the Party Kool-Aid on every single issue (ESCR, Schiavo, small government, fiscal responsibility, senatorial compromises, free markets/trade, just to name a few) find each other? Maybe you’re just concerned about rhetorical excesses by “our side.” Neo-libertarians and ‘little l’ libertarians welcome too.

He has created the RINO community at TTLB, which has a lot of new blog related features you should check out.

The new group of Raging RINOs advise that you not drink the party Kool Aid. Of course, I think the name Vast Moderate Right Wing Conspiracy has a better ring to it.

2 Responses to “RINOs”

  1. CL Says:

    So that’s what I am!

  2. j.d. Says:

    Don’t forget the logo.

    I designed it; Commissar has the originals.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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