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That rocked!

Caught that show Hit Me Baby One More Time where they get some one (or two) hit wonders and have them do their hit and then later they do a new song. Let me tell ya that Wang Chung doing a Nelly tune absolutely rocked. Of course, being white, the guys from Wang Chung sped it up but that’s what white people do with music.

2 Responses to “That rocked!”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    OK, now I’m scared. I thought the same thing. That they didn’t win was a travesty!

  2. countertop Says:

    Wasn’t even paying attention to TV but for some reason the one in our kitchen was on as I was going downstairs to do laundry. I heard the Nelly tune but couldn’t place it for a bit – but walked into the kitchen to listen/watch (not knowing anything about the show) and was thinking to myself – that looks like Wang Chung!

    It was great.

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