In light of Bubba’s outing and a few emails from folks on the subject, I feel the need to address this anonymity business. If you think this is the post in which I come clean, divulge a lot of stuff and reveal my alter ego, forget about it. Fat chance that will ever happen prominently on my blog for a few reasons:
1 – I don’t want my name associated with this site merely due to the big pain in the ass it could be. I don’t want people Googling me up and finding this place. I don’t want to meet people about town and have this ‘oh, you’re that guy’ conversation. I don’t want to turn away potential clients or other business people with whom I may disagree.
2 – I have a lot of guns. I don’t want someone figuring that they could track me down, break into my home, and score some stolen weaponry.
3 – I also, in the event I annoy the Hell out of someone, don’t want my family to feel the heat for this stuff.
People with this conception that I must be some anonymous shit-slinger out there hurling insults with no possibility of retribution who has something to hide are wrong. I try to keep it civil and clean and only occasionally call people idiots. I say nothing on this blog that I am ashamed of and I say nothing that I wouldn’t say to the faces of the people I criticize. Ask people who know me, I am pretty much an asshole in real life too. That said, there are plenty of people who know who I am (Bubba for one), including a local TeeVee guy. In the event I did something particularly stupid or grotesque, they could out me. I’m not completely anonymous but more pseudonymous.
Les (who also knows me) makes a very good point:
Anyone thinking of blogging anonymously should think about this situation and how they’d handle it. If you’re not prepared to do what Bubba did and reveal your identity when it’s being used as leverage against you, then you shouldn’t blog anonymously.
Indeed. But it wouldn’t be in a manner prominently displayed here. People who get criticized often (as in Bubba’s target in this instance) display a superiority complex over the fact that the person doing the criticizing is anonymous, as though that anonymity denotes a lack of credibility or something. Why? If someone is making legitimate points, address those points and not the fact you think some anonymous shit-slinger is hiding behind the keyboard flinging feces at you.
I noticed this in my pre-blog days when I commented over at the Metropulse’s blab. People would get snooty when I argued with them and fall back on the ‘oh yeah, well people know who I am.’ I don’t care who you are, I care about the point you’re making.
Or as Michael said:
I didn’t know until today who he is. But I know him through the quality of his blog. I could have found out. I know people who know him. I never asked who he is. I saw no compelling reason to out him. The question was even posed from time to time at the KNS whether we should try and out him, and the answer always came back to, “why?”
Also, let me alleviate this romanticized notion that I could potentially be someone important: I’m not. I’m just some regular Joe with a house in a subdivision. I’m nobody you’ve ever heard of. SayUncle is obviously not my real name. But SayUncle is very real and not going anywhere. I’m no coward and, in the event I get under your skin, drop me a line and we’ll talk. I got nothing to hide.