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Via email (I asked since his site was down), South Knox Bubba states that he’s stopped blogging. I do hope he’s kidding or, at least, that it’s only temporary.

Update: What he said.

Update 2: Steve K. has set up the X-Blab for Bubba blab posters to regroup.

Udate 3: Another message board has been set up for Bubba Blabbers.

28 Responses to “Bummer”

  1. countertop Says:

    looks like his site is down.

  2. DnB Says:

    Gosh Darn it. I do hope Mr. Bubba has not shut down permanently. He would be greatly, greatly missed.
    And thank you for the update sayuncle.

  3. mar Says:

    Thanks for the update, Uncle.
    I sure hope SKB changes his mind. There are a lot of us who depend on him to give us the straight story.

  4. lml Says:

    Noooooooooo, say it ain’t so Mr. SKB. You’re my source for all the news that’s worth reading. I’ve weaned myself off the Metro Pulse, so SKB and the weekly Halls Shopper were it for me. I didn’t even get a chance to get the picture posted of the key lime pie we had for the Fourth of July that was made from Ms. Bubba’s recommended Southern Living recipe. Waaahhhhhh, I want my Bubba back!!! We were singing, “Bye, Bye to the key lime pie.”

  5. FR Says:

    Uncle, Was any reason given by SKB? What happens to the RTB?

    Here is the pie recipe from SKB:

    Anyway, here’s the Southern Living recipe (it makes two pies, halve everything to make one):

    8 large eggs, lightly beaten
    2 cups sugar
    1/4 cup grated lime rind
    2/3 cup Key Lime juice
    Dash of salt
    1 cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
    Graham cracker* crusts
    2 cups whipping cream
    1/4 cup sifted powdered sugar
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    Garnish: lime twists

    Combine first 5 ingredients in top of a double boiler, and bring water to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cook, whisking constantly, until thickened. Add butter, and cook, whisking constantly, until butter melts and mixture thickens. Pour into Graham cracker* crusts.

    Bake at 300 degrees for 20 minutes or until set; cool. Cover and chill at least 8 hours.

    Beat whipping cream at high speed with an electric mixer until foamy. Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until soft peaks form. Stir in vanilla, and spread over filling. Chill. Garnish just before serving, if desired. Yield; 2 (9-inch) pies.
    *A couple of notes. First, on the graham cracker crust. In our view, this is not proper. A proper Key Lime Pie has a regular flaky pie crust. Those frozen Ritz pie crusts work great if, like us, you can’t make a good pie crust (we don’t keep lard around, and that’s a must for a pie crust).

    Second, although the whipped cream (or even Redi-Whip in a pinch) topping is fine and generally acceptable, many traditionalists consider meringue a more proper finish. In that case you would whip up your meringue and put it on for just a few minutes to brown after the pie has finished baking.

    (Yes, I know this is more controversial than politics or religion and maybe as controversial as KC v. Memphis v. Texas v. NC bar-b-cue.)

    Oh, and one last tip. Don’t skimp on the grated lime peel. This is the key, so to speak, ingredient. And grate lightly. Try to just get the yellow/green outer part of the peel. Don’t go too deep into the white, bitter tasting pulpy part.

    OK, then.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    The reason was to spend time with family. As to the RTB, dunno. I’m sure someone will take over the list.

  7. lml Says:

    And we were singing, “The day the real news died.”

  8. Hank IV Says:

    A sad day, indeed. I’m sure it was getting a bit much for Bubba.Thanks for the ride Bubba, it was a gas.

  9. fluffy Says:

    yikes, i wondered what was going on. i know there was a recent discussion about you-know-who and i was hoping another flame war hadnt been started, forcing skb to quit. i would have at least expected an announcement though, saying he wasnt going to do it anymore.

    well, if any other blabbers are here, my email is let me know where everyone is going and whats going to happen now. gota have someplace to bitch.

  10. Randall Brown Says:

    Well, dang it. C’est la blab.

  11. Wordjunky Says:

    Does this mean that Brian Connaley(sp?) and his MetroBlab has won? Say it ain’t so!

    Who will keep the “News” Sentinel honest now?

    Tell me he just went off to cover a cockfight.

  12. Barry Says:

    Oh, please…

  13. Steve K. Says:

    Of anyone cares, I’ve set up a temporary Bubba Blab replacement yahoo group:

    Hopefully, someone will come up with a more permanent solution. Sort of a shame that SKBubba took Bubba Blab down (not to mention his blog), but I imagine he had a good reason to do so.


  14. Thomas Nephew Says:

    What!? Nooooooooo!!!

    Is this because of that Metropulse business?

    Come back, SKB!

  15. marc Says:

    What’s his blog e-mail?

    I for one would like to wish him a sad goodbye and maybe encourage him to come back.

  16. F-Stop Says:

    This sucks so bad. But then, I sure as heck couldn’t do what he did – Blog like hell and still run a business.

    Best of luck, Bubba.

  17. Tennessee Jed Says:

    I can’t seem to see any comments on xblab, they all seem to have reached a maximum and are off. Dag-Nabb-it bubba…don’t die!

  18. Agee Says:

    Bubba was a class act. Whatever his reasons (and he wouldn’t have done this without a good one) he doesn’t owe us anything. He’s been a good companion through many a dark period, and I appreciate his providing us with both his common sense take on things and a solid forum for discussion.

    Good luck, SKB.

  19. kevin Says:


    Bubba was a good person and a good writer.

  20. smijer Says:

    Yeah, good luck SKB. Hat’s off to you. Come back any time. Seriously.

  21. Agee Says:

    Ok, one other question. Since Bubba was always my link…does anyone know the name of Fletch’s blog?

  22. Andy Axel Says:

    Fletch =

  23. Ever Dubious Says:

    I dunno, after reading a few of his recent posts, I’m rather inclined to think that the reputations of the fine people of East Tennessee might be better off without the likes of Mr. SKB dumping his brains on the net.

  24. Agee Says:

    Thanks Andy….

    And E.D….Bubba didn’t “dump” his brains…he just went out of his way to give ET a little infusion of the grey stuff every once in a while…

  25. Pan Says:

    An SKB blabber started a message board for folks who miss SKB’s BubbaBlab.

    It’s at

  26. Anotherthing2 Says:

    Well, just well..where do I get my daily fix of all kinds of bubba stuff…and where the hell am I going to get bird pics on Friday… best of luck Bubba…

  27. CJ Says:

    Well… Bubba wasn’t always a class act. And I’m a little underwhelmed by the departure. He brought a lot of heat on himself with his attacks and snarky insults. Once the heat was turned back, SKB took the opportunity to leave. Sometimes you reap what you sow. However, this is the kind of drama I’ve come to expect from SKB. It fits right in with redirecting some people to other websites because he didn’t like their opinion on his posts. His right… but pretty lame. I’m not gonna miss him.

  28. guruoo Says:

    Chilling Post from SKB’s blog (via observant reader):
    06/19/05 21:25

    It seems an incredibly bad idea to post your home address, and your employer’s name and address on your blog.
    My advice, if you value your job, is to remove every page from this server, and plan your next move (perhaps start another new blog).
    Load a blank page for the site. Site gone. All pages gone. Forever.
    Your call, but that’s what I’d do in your situation, if I wanted to maintain my career track.

    Just Looking

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