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Call to arms (locks) – or save someone $10

With the recent passage of a bill in the Senate requiring all handguns (long guns are safe, apparently) sold through a dealer to come with a lock, the effects will likely be non-existent as most guns come with them anyway. However, I wouldn’t put it past dealers to add a few bucks to their prices anyway claiming the locks cost more.

If you’re like me, you probably have a ton of these things sitting around the house anyway. What if we, to save the manufacturers a few bucks, just started returning unused locks to them? Or, you know, mail them all to DiFi.

5 Responses to “Call to arms (locks) – or save someone $10”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    They should itemize it and call it the “Democrat Gunlock Fee”.

  2. Manish Says:

    They should itemize it and call it the “Democrat Gunlock Fee”.

    Never would have passed if it wasn’t for the immunity bill in the first place.

  3. countertop Says:

    Thats a good idea. I also like to dangle them off of posts and use them as targets – the one I got from Colt ws bright – almost electric – blue and Ruger gives you those day glo yellow ones.

    Very visible at 100 yards – but small enough to make hitting them a challenge.

  4. Chris Says:

    They do seem to spontaneously appear and spread like kudzu.

    Other than the one I use on my locker at the health club (Court South), the rest never make it out of the gun boxes.

    For that matter, gun boxes also seem to appear out of nowhere, breed and spread some more.

    Am I the only person who is privately embarrassed by the amount of gun boxes which clutter up the house, attick, garage and office?

    Is there some socially acceptable explanation for having 10 or 12 Ruger boxes, 5 or 6 Colt boxes, 6 or 7 Kimber boxes, 6 or 7 Les Baer boxes, etc.?

    Which brings me to my next (and most delayed) gun-related purchase – a bigger and better safe.

  5. markm Says:

    Chris, if your friends don’t think “I buy lots of guns” is socially acceptable, you need new friends,

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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