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Another courthouse shooting

This time, it’s local. From Michael Silence:

A woman gunned down a prison guard and sprang her husband in a daring and violent escape this morning at the Roane County Courthouse in Kingston, a state official said.

Authorities across the state began a manhunt for George Hyatte, 34, and his wife, Jennifer Hyatte, Tennessee Department of Correction spokeswoman Amanda Sluss said.

Sluss said Jennifer Hyatte shot corrections officer Wayne Morgan three times with a shotgun in the parking lot of the courthouse, where George Hyatte was scheduled to make an appearance.

Sadly, the guard has died. Michael has many more updates.

2 Responses to “Another courthouse shooting”

  1. F-Stop Says:

    I’m sure John Walsh or John Bunnell could say it better, but i’m sure these arseholes won’t be getting any sleep tonight.

  2. markm Says:

    Stories like this make me wonder what the guy did in the first place. So, drilling down through the links, I found this: “Offense/Sentence: Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Robbery, Aggravated Robbery, Escape (Felony), Aggravated Burglary, Burglary-3rd Degree, Burglary-3rd Degree and Aggravated Burglary, 35 Years”

    Sounds like a real aggravating fellow. I hope that when he and his wife are caught, they’ll get additional charges that ensure they aren’t going to be back out on the streets in 35 years – or ever.

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