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I guess I’m not a good blogger because I have not followed this Cindy Sheehan business. Someone got the Cliff Notes version? Or, more importantly, should I really even care?

9 Responses to “Who?”

  1. Captain Holly Says:

    Cliff Notes:

    Fine, Upstanding son of Cindy Sheehan is deployed to Iraq.

    Fine, Upstanding son is killed in Baghdad.

    A couple of months later, President meets with Grieving Mother.

    Grieving Mother tells newspaper President was “kind” and “caring”.

    Fast Forward several months.

    Grieving Mother now says President was “uncaring”.

    Grieving Mother now says President should be impeached.

    Grieving Mother now spouts weird conspiracy theories about Jooos and Oil and NeoCons.

    Grieving Mother now is darling of Anti-Bush Left.

    That’s the short version. The long version is even stranger.

  2. joe Says:

    “Or, more importantly, should I really even care?”

    Nope. This is the media’s latest Schiavo/MJ/OJ circus. I hate it for her, and for any family who has been devastated by [what I consider a poorly-planned and quite unnecessary] war, but this kind of thing only makes matters worse. You won’t see it on my blog either.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Thanks for the rundown, holly. And, joe, guess i was right to not read about it.

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Ah, but don’t forget the most important part: she’s getting a divorce!

  5. DADvocate Says:

    MSM seems to think the emotions of a grieving mother should be the overwhelming factor in determining foreign policy. I have sympathy for her loss, but her protest and the coverage has reached the level of absurbity.

  6. Manish Says:

    Its not much of a story other than the PR aspect where Sheehan has been brilliant. Much of the focus of anti-war coverage seems to deal with celebrities or Michael Moore or the like. This story has broken through the hoopla because you have a grieving mother asking two simple questions for which there is no easy soundbite answer.

  7. Captain Holly Says:

    “This story has broken through the hoopla because you have a grieving mother asking two simple questions for which there is no easy soundbite answer.”

    If she’d actually stick with the two questions, yeah, then I’d consider her brilliant. But everytime she opens her mouth she sounds less and less like a grieving mother and more and more like an unhinged Lefty moonbat.

    For example, last night on Hardball she said that we shouldn’t have invaded Afghanistan, either (h/t Michelle Malkin).

    She’s the perfect Howard Dean Democrat.

  8. Manish Says:

    But everytime she opens her mouth she sounds less and less like a grieving mother and more and more like an unhinged Lefty moonbat.

    She has certainly gone off reservation and should probably keep quiet for her own good. The PNAC bit and the Israel part, she should keep to herself too.

    BTW, SU…you so far haven’t condemned people talking about her marital woes or condemned the dude who drove over the crosses or some of the other things you should be condemning. You’ve effectively stomped on the grave of Sheehan’s son. 🙂

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Heh. Maybe if i’d kept up with any of it.

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