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The other night, the Mrs. wanted to watch some hurricane coverage on the tube. Personally, I avoid cable news like the plague. Can’t stand it in any variety. The few minutes of FoxNews we watched reinforced why I don’t watch it. First up was a scene in which the announcer said something about a woman who learned her lesson. The woman said (paraphrased from memory):

I should have got out like they told me to.

They, of course, being the authorities. The next segment was about how the TeeVee show Wheel of Fortune and a few movie projects being filmed there were canceled. Seriously, that’s worthy of coverage? I never did hear if Vanna White was OK.

2 Responses to “Epiphany”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    Jim Treacher had the best pic to accompany the Wheel of Fortune pull-out.

  2. Jim Treacher Says:

    It sounds like a lot of these people had no way of getting out even if they wanted to. But yeah, then you have the dummies who say things like, “Well, we got through Hurricane Suchandsuch back in ’67, so we figured we’d be okay.” Look, genius, the storm does not remember you. The storm does not see your house and go, “Wait, those people are cool, let’s go around.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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