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Preach it, brother

Kevin asks:

Why don’t we have genetically engineered grass that grows to one and then stops? This is the 21stcentury, after all. It’s the future, but it looks suspiciously like yesterday. I am okay without the flying cars and personal jetpacks.

Or, in the case of my back yard where the sun beat down mercilessly for four weeks straight without rain, why not weeds engineered to look like grass? My front and side yards look great. My backyard is completely covered in weeds. Is it too much to ask.

Also, different colors would be cool. I’d like purple grass. Wouldn’t that be cool? Or patterns. I’d like plaid or paisley grass.

I guess I could get plastic grass.

10 Responses to “Preach it, brother”

  1. kevin Says:

    See, I lokoe diton plastic grass – -its like 15,000 dollars. Even I’m not that lazy 🙂

  2. Chris Wage Says:

    Y ou could just start mowing your weeds..

  3. Les Jones Says:

    Why doesn’t someone invent a grass-powered lawn mower?

  4. countertop Says:


    That would be me when i was in high school and college

  5. tgirsch Says:

    See, I lokoe diton plastic grass

    Translating from Kevin into English, what he means to say is that he “looked into” plastic grass. And by “looked into,” he means he watched The Daily Show last week…

  6. SayUncle Says:

    No kidding. Iespell and the google tool bar are free.

  7. mrtonygreen Says:

    It already exists. Monsanto GE’d it. Waiting for fed approval to sell. It looks just like carpet!

  8. John Anderson Says:

    U Rhode Island developed a grass that grows to three inches and stops several years ago: nor, being New England, does it need much sun.

    They used to give it away, but I’ve heard the rights are now held commercially.

  9. Billll Says:

    “Why doesn’t someone invent a grass-powered lawn mower?”

    It’s called a sheep. Ah, sheep. They give so much, they ask so little.

  10. countertop Says:

    When I attended the University of Rhode Island, after powering up on grass, we used to walk around in the sod fields late at night.

    its spooky to be in the middle of a couple of hundred yards of perfectly manicured grass.

    Its also quite romantic on the right moonlit night. 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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