NO: Test Run?
John Longenecker at MND writes:
My fear us that the gun confiscation in New Orleans was merely a trial balloon to see how the public would handle a major move in gun control. Gun control isn’t moving fast enough, so with the very next emergency it’ll be tried in order to see the reaction. That emergency came in Katrina. A lot of people believed that an emergency would be cover to confiscate guns. Then it happened. It was a cover to confiscate guns.
On the grounds that were enunciated, there was no emergency. At least not one that would make confiscating guns the answer connected in any way to safety when personal weapons were the same mainstay they have always been in time of local thugs / no cops combination.
I’m not sure if it was a test run but, by most indicators, it ended quicker than it began. No doubt that’s partially because gun rights folks threw a fit.
September 14th, 2005 at 12:09 pm
I got to see that California trooper crush the tiny old lady into the wall. Nice police work. He should get a medal and be famous!
September 15th, 2005 at 10:53 pm
[…] …and Countertop gets in his thousand words in, while Say Uncle has his own words. Geek with a .45 talks about the extent of the emergency powers and how they don’t trump the constitution of LA and the USA, while in his comments, someone says “Molan Labe!  […]
February 4th, 2007 at 11:14 am
[…] …and Countertop gets in his thousand words in, while Say Uncle has his own words. Geek with a .45 talks about the extent of the emergency powers and how they don’t trump the constitution of LA and the USA, while in his comments, someone says “Molan Labe!”… […]