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There is no such thing

as the last AR15. Because you’ve got to get the 9mm to shoot indoors. And the 7.62X39 for hunting. And the 6.8SPC because it’s cool. And the 45ACP because none of your friends have one. And the 22LR because, well, because.

And would it kill you to put up a pic?

3 Responses to “There is no such thing”

  1. Alston Says:

    Pics are inbound. I know the quest for just one AR15 is a losing battle from personal experience, but I can’t carry two.

    I’ll admit that I’ve considered the .22lr conversion kit, though…if only for cheap plinking.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    “I can’t carry two.”

    Aw, you just need to watch some training films by Robert Rodriquez or the Wachowski brothers. Pretty soon you’ll be carrying dozens of guns.

  3. Tam Says:

    But… but… but… how can it be cool without a collapsable stock?!?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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