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Silly Blake

Blake seems to think that the pending Knoxville traffic cameras are to prevent accidents because he’s disappointed to learn that:

I’d like to link to a timely story in yesterday’s Washington Post which shows that the number of traffic accidents have gone up at intersections with traffic cameras. In fact, the cameras don’t seem to be making any difference in the number of accidents at all.

The cameras are about revenue and have nothing to do with anyone’s safety or anything silly like that.

Update: Heard on the news this morning the city council voted to put off the decision for 35 days.

3 Responses to “Silly Blake”

  1. Blake Says:

    That’s 35 extra days to raise hell. šŸ™‚

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Interestingly, this looks familiar. If you substitute “traffic cameras” with “vouchers” and “accidents go up” with “grades go down,” you’ll find it works just as well.


    Getting back on topic, I am on record with my neighborhood association as opposing the installation of traffic cameras. I was decidedly in the minority on this count, sadly enough, but fortunately, my city council member was on my side on this.

  3. homebru Says:

    I live in a town with traffic cameras.

    I don’t know what the numbers say, but I do know that I am not now seeing the willful, deliberate, and arrogant running of red lights that was so common BC (before cameras).

    I am not trying to change anybody’s mind, just present a data point from personal observation. And, yes, I still make sure that cross traffic is stopping before I pull out.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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