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Then how do you get the money into the garter?

In Nashville, they’ve apparently solved all problems because their Titty Council has enacted a law that says strippers must stay three feet from their customers. Blake, on the $100K per year it will take to enforce, notes:

Out of that $100,000 about $55,400 will be for salary for the inspector, more than 400 background checks per year for the pole professionals and around $2,600 for court reporter fees.

$55K to inspect titty bars? Sign me up.

4 Responses to “Then how do you get the money into the garter?”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Count yourself lucky. L.A. just passed (or is in the process of passing, I forget which) a six foot rule.

  2. cube Says:

    Dang, the only good place to find a stripper these days is to go to a third world country.

  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Yup…Seattle’s looking at a 4 foot rule.

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    And the crabs can jump how far? (Ugly sailor talk/off)

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