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Light Blogging

Out of town on business so blogging will be sporadic or nonexistent. Why is it every time I travel, I get the little TSA tag informing me my fourth amendment rights have been violated err that my checked bag has been searched? [Maybe it’s the gun? – Ed. or the razor]

Commentator anoymous said:

Please, more articles on building rifles, fewer articles on what’s happening in the “blogosphere” (yeech!).

Well, I would. But I only blog about those things when I’m engaged in them. Since I’m waiting patiently on one guy to help me finish my four 0% AR-15 lower receivers and another guy to help me finish my AK parts kit, I’m out of gun projects. So, gun porn has been light. But no worries as Tam can hook you up with some of that.

Hey, this qualifies as a major announcement!

4 Responses to “Light Blogging”

  1. Marc Says:

    At least you get the tag, I’ve gotten the tag once and had my bag checked dozens of times and it pisses me off even more when stuff just goes missing with no explanation.

  2. _Jon Says:

    My last trip (about 2 weeks ago), I watched the TSA guys put bags on the XRay machine right behind check-in (America West). After the bag was shot out of the machine (it came out with a lot of “ooomph”), another guy would peel of a sticker and put it on the bag. They just xray’d it – they never opened it.

  3. Justin Says:

    For the first time in 3 years I didnt have my bag searched when I flew from TYS to Providence last month. Since I’m a smoker I like to see how I can hide various lighters in my carry on without getting “busted”. I had matches in my pocket and two lighters in my carry on/back pack. Not a peep from the all mighty TSA. (yeah, I finally “won a battle against the man!” haha)

  4. robert Says:

    I fail to see how putting infants and fat senators on a no fly list and riffling through my underwear “fights terrorism” when Bush is letting 300,000 folks a year walk over the border.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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