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NYT and the gun immunity bill

I was going to comment on this misleading and hysterical piece on the bill in the paper of only occasionally making up the record but Denise beat me to it:

Here’s what’s wrong (and I will pick a couple of nits). The Bushmaster is not gleaming. It has a matte-black finish. It’s not a telescopic rifle. They mean it’s a rifle fitted with a telescope. More seriously, it is not an M-16 assault rifle. At no point does the article point out that the Bushmaster is semi-automatic like many classic hunting rifles and not capable of full auto burst-fire like an M-16.

One Response to “NYT and the gun immunity bill”

  1. countertop Says:

    That may be, but as I pointed out, its a noteworthy editorial in that for once the Times actually distances themselves from the lies of gun banning bigots.

    They get their dishonest message out, but go to pains to point out that its the opinion of others that it will allow gun shops to get off the hook. In the past, the Times would have declared this as the 100% god’s honest truth. Now, they attribute that thought to someone else.

    Its an improvement.

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