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Miers continues to be an embarrassment

The NYT:

The Supreme Court nomination of Harriet E. Miers suffered another setback on Wednesday when the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee asked her to resubmit parts of her judicial questionnaire, saying various members had found her responses “inadequate,” “insufficient” and “insulting.”

Senators Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the committee chairman, and Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, the senior Democrat, sent Ms. Miers a letter faulting what they called incomplete responses about her legal career, her work in the White House, her potential conflicts on cases involving the administration and the suspension of her license by the District of Columbia Bar.

It’s looking more and more like Verb every day.

2 Responses to “Miers continues to be an embarrassment”

  1. Bob K Says:

    No, I think noun.

  2. Buy Soma Says:

    Buy Soma

    Buy Soma

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