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Lessons Learned

This story about a 520lb wild hog is amazing. Couple lessons to take away: A 22-250 is not an adequate farm gun and farmers need politically incorrect dogs.

3 Responses to “Lessons Learned”

  1. Pawpaw Says:

    Requires registration. I ain’t going there.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    Pawpaw, meet Bugmenot, meet Pawpaw

    Just go to and plug in the site you want to get into.

    In this case, it served me up with a email and password combo where the email ended in, the instant, disposable, free email anyone can use (payola free thumbs up)

    If you are a big mega corperation, please read the TOS over at bugmenot. Pretty funny.

    This is much easer than playing the spoofed referrer game or the “user agent string” game (how do you think google got in there to index it in the first place?)

    but anyway, Wow a cow killin pig, truth is stranger than fiction.

  3. Cinomed Says:

    yeah, is blocked from work.
    I will have to read up on it later.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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