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Cool down the crazy talk

The Gun Guy tells us gun folks to chill out with respect to the crazy talk:

But it’s time we gun owners grew up. When there’s reason to be paranoid, we should be. What I’m saying is that we don’t have to be paranoid anymore—just eternally watchful, and suspicious.

6 Responses to “Cool down the crazy talk”

  1. Addison Says:


  2. SayUncle Says:

    I assume that means you’re confused. I do concur with GG’s overall point. However, I think there is a time and place to remind TPTB that we’re serious about this stuff (like New Orleans, for example).

  3. Addison Says:

    No, Uncle.

    I mean, what a set of balls he’s got.
    *He’s* lecturing *us* on the need to “Cool down the crazy talk?”
    How about we name who he is? Oh, that’s right, that would be rude.. because… of..

    His prior “Crazy talk.”

    Which not only has he not apologised for, he’s continued in the “anonymous” (for large values of incompetence and inability to follow a clue) vein – as I recall, his 2nd day back, he was doing exactly that.

    When he disappeared, then “came back”, I said, you know, he’s spent years railing against people who accomodate that sort of crap, saying that there’s a line, never to be stepped over, and he just jumped over it. Eh, it happens. People *are* people.

    But damn, he owes a few of us a new irony meter with that screed.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Ah. Yeah, I think that no longer being self employed thing may have knocked the rhetoric down a peg or two.

  5. cube Says:

    I think “they” have got to him.

    Now I am more parnoid than ever.

  6. Rustmeister Says:

    I’m wondering what he as to apologize for?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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