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Nothing better to do

Yes, with all the ills facing society, it’s good to the Senate tackling something important:

The chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, is considering legislation to limit the size of carry-on luggage, saying the suitcases he sees going into airplane cabins are far too large.

3 Responses to “Nothing better to do”

  1. Marc Says:

    God D**n Republicans today! WTF is wrong with them. Sticking their mottled noses into everything because we can’t let the marketplace or private business handle anything.

    This guy sounds like a first class asshat.

  2. Justin Says:

    i thought his dumbass (who Im sure rarely flies business/coach with the rest of us normal folk’) was supposed to quit the Senate because his bridge to nowhere was voted down.

  3. cube Says:

    Senate republicans are a joke (not to say all politicans are not jokes, but those guys tend to piss me off more than others)

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