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It’s a boy!!

And more importantly, he’s healthy and has all appendages and digits!!!

Since I call the girl Junior, guess I need a name for him.

Oops: I got excited and typed that real fast. I should point out that we just had the ultrasound and determined the gender. The Second hasn’t been born yet.

21 Responses to “It’s a boy!!”

  1. #9 Says:


  2. Manish Says:


  3. mks Says:


  4. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Congrats! As to a name, I suggest The Second, as in Say Uncle II and as in the second child.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    BH, the trouble is that I’m actually a third, not that you’d know that. But I like the second, nope, no double entendre.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    Congratulations! I suggest Uncle 2.0.

  7. lobbygow Says:


    Uncle 2.0

    That would be “U2” for short, no?

  8. Drake Says:

    A2 Upper, A3 Upper etc.


  9. Les Jones Says:

    Cool. Congrats!

  10. Adam Lawson Says:

    Congratulations. May he grow up to be a great shot.

  11. cube Says:


    If he has a size finget you should not cut it off. allow evolution to work.

  12. Busy Mom Says:

    Hooray! A baby! A baby!

  13. Rustmeister Says:

    Congrats, man!

  14. TN Girl Says:

    How about ‘Deuce’ for a made-up name

  15. Standard Mischief Says:

    The Second hasn’t been born yet.

    Oh, that explains it. I was amazed that you had a new arrival, yet still had time to blog a full day’s worth.

  16. Phelps Says:

    I would call it The Other One. Or maybe just The Other.

  17. GLN Admin Says:

    Great for you guys. Now, as somebody with too many kids and more step kids, consider yourself done. That is, at least if you want a life later.

    Good Names: Colt, Mauser, Weatherby, Kimber

  18. Blounttruth Says:

    Well I hope this helps

    1. If he was an accident you could call him “Squib load”
    2. If he moves allot when he is in the belly you could call him “Action”
    3. If he is very independent and unique, you could call him “Ballistic”
    4. If he is born early “Birdshot”
    5. When you are changing his diaper and he pees in your face “Breech” or “Hair Trigger”
    6. Well endowed “Buckshot”
    7. Potty training for #1 or #2 “Double action” or “Single Action”
    8. Always refer to his weight when born in “Drams” (1/16th of an ounce)
    9. Constipated “Dry Fire” “Hang fire”
    10. Diaereha “Ejection Port”
    11. When he is kicking inside Moms belly “Foot-Pound” or “Recoil”
    12. When he discovers himself “Grip” or “Hammer” or “Hollow Point” or “Over and Under” and lastly “Pump-Action”
    13. A fart before pooping “hangfire”
    14. Before circumcision “full metal jacket” (depending on preference of course) or after “Modified Choke”

    Grats to you and the Mrs., best of luck and a big fat politically incorrect Merry Christmas!!!


  19. Jay G Says:

    Congrats Unc.

    I didn’t know you were a turd, err, third.

    Me too.

    My son’s a IV.

    Unc IV. Almost makes you want to add “this time, it’s personal”… 😉

  20. kevin Says:

    Congratualtions to you and your wife!

    And you don’t need a name — just give him a serial number.

  21. The Pathetic Earthling Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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