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There’s a cabaret lobbyist?

The city of Nashville, like most places in Tennessee, is trying to make life hard on strippers:

For the first time, Nashville’s exotic dancers have been forced to get permits identified by their number, not their name. The Sexually Oriented Business Licensing Board approved the permits on Wednesday night. Now dancers will be known, to Metro at least, by a number.

Wednesday night’s agenda for the board listed nearly 200 entertainment permits. All those dancers were approved in the first wave of permits considered by the board. The permits issued represent the majority of adult performers in Metro. A lobbyist for the industry says many performers find the new system dehumanizing.

Also, there’s a move on to legally challenge the recently enacted three foot rule. And I found this odd:

“The whole process is criminalizing from the begininng…inappropriate and unnecessary,” said Tenn. Caberet (sic) Association lobbyist Tracy O’Neill.

Strip clubs have their own lobbying group.

3 Responses to “There’s a cabaret lobbyist?”

  1. Brutal Hugger Says:

    In New York it is illegal to dance in bars unless the bar has a cabaret license. This applied to patrons as well as performers.

    There was a rather famous girl bar called Meow Mix (now closed, sadly), which was known for, among other things, conspicuous signs saying “No Dancing”. The best part about it was that they had a DJ and a large open space that amounted to a dance floor. That space was always filled with writhing girls getting on the swerve.

    It’s a stupid law that’s only enforced when the cops want to hassle a place. They should repeal it and just make it legal for cops to hassle places. At least that would be honest.

  2. cube Says:

    “A lobbyist for the industry says many performers find the new system dehumanizing.”

    Sure and dancing nakkid for money, isn’t.

  3. _Jon Says:

    All businesses should have trade groups and lobbyists – it’s a good business practice now-adays.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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