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Stay at home dad chronicles 3

So, what is it about Fruity Pebbles that turns them into the world’s most powerful adhesive after they’ve been sitting in a bowl of milk for a few minutes? Seriously, had to scrape them off the sink.

7 Responses to “Stay at home dad chronicles 3”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I’d argue that Quaker Instant Oatmeal is a far more powerful adhesive than Fruity Pebbles.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Oatmeals pretty stout but I’ve never had to scrape it off the sink with a steel spatula.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    It’s not just Fruity Pebbles, all sugary cereals will form that superglue-like compound when mixed with milk (heck, if you just let the milk itself curdle in the bottom of the glass it’s a pain to get out).

    Old-Timer Fathers know that you must rinse the bowl immediately after the kid leaves the table or it’ll take several washings to get it off.

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    Or, if you have a slight leak in your kitchen faucet, just set the bowl under it and get it later.

  5. Captain Holly Says:

    You are indeed a Wise Man.

  6. tgirsch Says:

    Hmm, maybe milk is the factor, then. I tend to put a bit of milk in my oatmeal for added flavor.

  7. drstrangegun Says:

    A lovely protein called casein…

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