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Declare victory and release the prisoners

I’ve said many times before that drugs are winning the war on drugs. Actually, they’re really kicking ass. Rich is another convert and notes:

Think about it; it’s easier for a kid to score a bag of pot than it is for me to buy cold medicine.

Ayup. I recently had to buy Sudafed for the pregnant wife (it’s the only cold medicine pregnant women can take). Had to sign, show ID and a whole host of other shit that is totally unnecessary.

3 Responses to “Declare victory and release the prisoners”

  1. buddy don Says:

    amen, bruther, amen! if i walk thru centrull park, i will be offerd sevrul chantses to buy most innythang ye could wont. i have sed before on thisn that longs drugs is illegal, then:

    1. only criminals gits the untaxed profits
    2. only criminals gits to deecided the strangth n purity of the drugs they sell
    3. only criminals gits to “regulate” thar industry, generly by givin gun owners a bad name on a counta whut they do to deefend thar turf, witch ifn the dimcrats wuz as innerested in enforcin the laws we dun gut, they woodnt have no time fer trine to putt in new ones.
    4. only criminals gits to deecide whar n to whom thar a’gone sell thar drugs.


  2. anonymous Says:

    Here in the People’s Republic of Orygun as of Jan 1 2006 you need a doctor’s prescription
    to score Sudafed, et al. Thank you Democrat Governor Kulongowski!

  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    In New York state, it’s easier to buy illegal drugs of just about any kind than it is to legally buy a handgun.

    In New York city, it’s easier to buy illegal drugs, or smuggled smokes, than it is to buy any kind of gun.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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