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When Chuckles and Hilly get together, it can’t be good. Here, they tell us that dealing with illegal guns is congress’ job. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that New York has some fairly tyrannical gun laws. And in other states with better laws, guns aren’t illegal. To purchase a handgun legally there, it takes about six months and costs about $600. But the people who would go through the trouble aren’t criminals. What they’re pushing for is to alter access to the trace data info:

From 1988 to 2003, 92 percent of the illegal handguns recovered in New York City came from out of state. Stopping the flow of illegal guns into the Empire State is essential to ending the gun violence on our streets. We are therefore pressing our colleagues in both the Senate and the House to repeal the senseless law that handcuffs law enforcement and the public from having full access to the ATF gun-tracing database.

Likewise, we ask that our colleagues join us in demanding the mandatory reporting of stolen guns and guns used in crime to the ATF database for tracing.

Sitting idly by while more New Yorkers are gunned down with illegal and stolen guns is unacceptable. Passing laws that actually hinder the efforts of police officers who are putting their lives on the line is a disgrace.

Looks to me like they want to lay the foundation for a registry. Gun control will soon be a major topic in this country. The NRA needs to get its preemptive strike started now.

Between these two boobs and Bloomberg’s recent comments about exporting NY’s gun laws, I say bring it. I welcome the debate and my reason is simple: time and time, there has been no evidence that gun control laws affect gun crime. This conclusion was reached by the CDC and the National Institute of Justice. Access to trace data will not prevent any crimes and will not really affect tracing crime guns. They can already do that since they know the gun they’re referring to came from Florida. I don’t see how they possibly think that knowing the gun was stolen sooner would have stopped anything. It’s another band aid solution for appearance sake that will accomplish little, if anything.

I welcome the coming gun control debate because we will win. Look at the recent pro-gun gains: 46 states have CCW provisions, of which 35 are shall issue and 2 states don’t require a permit. The AWB expired. The gun maker immunity bill passed. The DOJ’s official position (bucking 40 years of precedent) is that the second amendment guarantees and individual right. Both major political party platforms say that as well. And I predict two more states to pass shall-issue laws by the end of this year. We’re winning and we will continue to do so.

17 Responses to “Scary”

  1. cube Says:

    The liberals still have way to many media outlets to push their version of the truth. I would perfer to wait until thier ablity to make their versions of the truth true is a little bit less powerful.

    I am afraid that the above mentioned law allowing access to trace data might pass, the same way finger printing before you get you CCW and shooting tests before you CCW are now common. They seem reasonable, but we all know that those methods are a defacto registration and enables confiscation.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    …Both major political party platforms say that as well…

    cite please?

    Ten seconds at turned up no obvious links to the official platform. But then again, I could not zero in exactly on that plank over at either (you would think it would be under Issues>>Civil Rights, but there isn’t a category like that. It was not under Issues>>Safety and Security either)

    I could quickly find the planks over at the Libertarian party (, but this is the party that can’t seem to get itself elected to the New London City Council.

  3. JJ Says:

    Unfortunately, this isn’t about stopping crime. This is about gun control. The two are about as related as privacy and abortion. Or Mr. T and John Stewart. In other words, not very related.

    Hilly and Chuckaquiddick know that gun laws do not prevent gun crimes. Gun laws enable those who will break the law to have an advantage over law-abiding citizens. If law-abiding citizens no longer have guns, the Nanny-state gets even bigger.


  4. countertop Says:


  5. JJ Says:

    Merely a reference to liberal bias when laws are broken. In Chappaquiddick, Ole ‘Gimme-anudder-drink’ Ted drowned a woman, and the feminists and liberals were silent. Chuck Schumer’s staff (DSCC) used fraud to steal a black conservative’s credit report, and the liberals are silent. So, I think it is somewhat funny to tie them together. Part commentary on the liberal history of ignoring faults and truth to further a movement, and part reminder of what kind of people make it into the government.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Mischief, from the 04 prez platforms. See here and here.

  7. Standard Mischief Says:

    Thanks, SU. (and a “heh” on the Dem’s version of 2nd amend.)

    I still maintain that it’s a flaw (or a deliberate feature) that I could not find the plank quickly on the party’s home page.

  8. metulj Says:

    NY Guns Laws: My NYC neighborhood had 3 murders (147,000 residents in the precinct) last year. All with guns. Each murder was/will be punished with 25 to life (now 35 to life) for using a firearm in comission of a felony. Sounds like enforcement, not gun grabbing. And yes, it is legal to have a firearm in NYC. You just can’t be a fuckwit.

  9. countertop Says:

    metulj –

    Putting convicted murders away for good is simply the floor. If NY is serious, they need to raise their record across the baord and start by imposing more than just a slap on the wrist on other criminals who use guns. Yes, you can get a gun in the 5 boroughs, but it aint easy and it aint cheap (though, really, is anything there cheap??) and don’t think about carrying it and your still gonna be registered (and they have been known to come around and confiscate those registered guns even without a crime occurring).

    JJ – very cute. I like the effect.

  10. SayUncle Says:

    Metulj, they need to prosecute all gun crimes, which they’re not doing. And trace data doesn’t lead to better enforcement or prevention.

  11. Captain Holly Says:

    Bring it on, I say. Nothing would marginalize the Democrats more this fall than Hillary and Chuckie aggressively pushing gun control this summer.

    Not that I’m happy with the Republicans, mind you. But they’re a damn sight better than the Democrats on the gun issue.

  12. GLN Admin Says:


    In Colorado, from the time I decide to buy a gun (say a Glock 19, for example) to the time it is in my hands concealed in a holster walking down the street, can be less than 1 hour. That does assume that I already have a ccw, but going to the store, completing the purchase and walking out can be done in less time than I spend on lunch. Cost will be less than $600 including the gun, a spare magazine and a box of ammo.

    How long would that take and how much would that cost in NYC?

  13. metulj Says:

    I am merely pointing out the faxt that crime is down 70% over the last 12 years in the City. All kinds of crime (though petty property crimes have been misreported as “lost property.”) You do not want to get caught with an illegal gun. I think it is also important to point out that the illegal guns coming into the city are from loose gun law states where you can buy thousands of dollars of weapons a day. Albanian gangsters are shipping American bought guns through New York to the Kosovo Liberation Army. Guns bought not in NY, but in other parts of the country and brought here.

    As for merginalizing the democrats: I think there are more Republicans who are going to get bent over by this Abramoff deal than Schumer and Clinton bitching about a constitutionally protected right (I do believe in the whole thing).

  14. SayUncle Says:

    And if they weren’t coming from loose gun states, they’d be imported on the black market from outside the US, like they are in England, Australia, and Canada. Those who supply weapons to Albanian terrorists are also breaking the law and have been covered here before.

    I think the abramoff thing will affect both sides but definitely the Rs more.

  15. Standard Mischief Says:

    metulj, you can not reduce crime by “cooking the books”

    I had a pig (sworn to protect and serve) come out to my place to examine an attempted break-in. I showed him the tall bushes and the screwdriver shaped enlargement to my keyhole in the deadbolt of my front door. He was more than willing to make a report… for vandalism. I said “thanks, but no thanks”, and excused myself. I had some lumberjacking to do, and then I had to buy a gun safe.

    I’m going to find it hard to believe that it’s only going on over “petty crimes”.

  16. GLN Admin Says:


    How about answering the question?

    How long would that take and how much would that cost in NYC?

  17. Standard Mischief » Blog Archive » Best (or is it worst?) Mungle of the Year (so far) Says:

    […] Written by JJ over at Say Uncle’s place. […]

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