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Brady in Iraq

Via Reader CarlS, comes this letter to The Tennessean:

I’m not sure why Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and other prominent liberal Democrats haven’t proposed this, but all we really need to do to solve all the problems with violence in Iraq is to have the new government over there pass the equivalent of the “Brady Bill.”

I’m convinced that once car bombs and large knives are banned in Iraq, the violence will stop. I mean, hey, it’s worked like a charm over here; why not Iraq?


One Response to “Brady in Iraq”

  1. Manish Says:

    I would argue that in essence, this is the hubris that got us into the mess in the first place. The basic premise that government can control what people want is faulty. Gun control bills fail because the government thinks that making a law will make it so. The same held true for prohibition and the drug war. By extension, bush & co. thought that Iraq would become a flourishing peaceful democracy just because they wanted it to.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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